書畫大家 著名詩人 文物專家


男,漢族,1928年8月生,江西定南人。畢業於華中師範大學美術系。著名書畫家、詩人、文物鑒定專家。歷任湖北省書法家協會主席,中國書法家協會理事,華中師範大學、湖北美術學院、湖北教育學院教授,赴俄藝術代表團副團長,赴南非藝術代表團團長,赴歐藝術代表團顧問。湖北省詩詞協會顧問。中國藝術家交流協會終身名譽會長。著有  《書法教學通論》、 《行草書簡論》、 《中國畫詩文題跋》、 《抱樸齋詩抄》、 《抱樸齋詠竹詩稿》等。


MingTian Zhong, who is a Brilliant Calligraphy, famous poet &cultural relics experts.


Here is his introduction:

Mr Zhong is Han nationality, he was born on August, 1928 in Ding Nan district of Jiangxi Province. His Chinese name is Zhong Ming Tian. He is also named Hesheng. People call him Meixiangcunren as well.


He graduated from the department of fine arts of Huazhong Normal University. He is a notable artist, poet & the cultural relics appraisal expert. He has served successively as Hubei calligrapher’s association president, Director of Chinese calligrapher’s association, Professor of Central China Normal University, Hubei Institute of Fine Acts and Hubei College of Education.


Mr Zhong is a deputy head of art delegation who goes to Russia, Commander of art delegation who goes to South Africa, and consultant of art delegation who goes to Europe. He is a consultant of Hubei poetry association. He is also the lifelong honorary President of Chinese artists association of communication.


Ming Tian Zhong has many works such as Basic theory of calligraphy teaching, simple theory of running hand & grass writing calligraphy, The preface and postscript of Chinese poetry & art, Bao puzhai poetry copy, Bao puzhai of bamboo poetry draft and so on.


書家·画家の達人  有名な詩人 文物分野の専門家





서화대가 저명시인 문물전문가

종명천 소개


종명천, 자: 학성, 호: 매향촌인 남: 한족, 1928년8월생, 강서 정남인. 화중사범대학 미술학과 졸업. 저명한 서화가, 시인 문물평가 전문인. 호북성서예가협회주석, 중국서예가협회의사, 화중사범대학, 호북미술학원, 호북

교육학원교수, 러시아예술방문대표단단장, 남아프리카공

화국예술방문대표단단장, 유럽예술방문대표단고문. 호북

성시사협회고문, 중국예술가교류협회종신명예회장.

《서예교학통논》,《행초서간논》,《중국서시문제발》,《포박제시초》,《포박제영죽시초》등 작품이 있음.

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